Homeland Parties

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What’s up people~ So, Fiestras Patrias have just recently ended, and with them a nice little free week came too. I find weird how even tho my mother’s family is more from the countryside, we’ve never done any kind of typical stuff, aside from the always present asado. This year we didn’t, however. We didn’t had a grill so instead we ate the empanadas my grandma always makes us. Those are the biggest, tastiest empanadas I’ve ever eaten, really amazing. I think that’s the most “traditional” thing I did in the weekend.

There’re two main fondas in Rancagua, and I usually go with my friends or my girlfriend one night or two,  but this time the later was busy with family reunions and my buddies displayed an amazingly bad sense of organization (including me, of course) So I didn’t got the change to go with them this year. Didn’t lose anything remarkable, anyways. I like getting anticuchos and some terremotos there but in general, I dislike the crowds, and the ambient they have, so if I don't have anyone to hang out i wont go alone.

The best thing by far is that this free week meant an awesome break from the weeks I’ve been  working non-stop. I did have things to do, as always, but I had the chance to take them calmly and even take three or four days to do absolutely nothing but rest. In that aspect, this dieciocho was great, but not very "patriotic" or exiting.


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